Saturday, August 06, 2005

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Yes, Johhny Depp is back with Tim Burton in the new movie called Charlie and the chocolate factory. Thinking of a possible boring weekend, why not stroll to the nearest theatre and give yourself a visual chocolate treat.

The movie depicts Willy Wonka was was deprived of candy from his dentist father had a talent for making candies and chocolate. Soon he turn famous and due to industries spies stealing his recipe, Willy Wonka decided to close his factory down and laid off all the workers. After many years aparts, he decided to only allow 5 lucky winner to visit the chocolate factory for a day if anyone found the Golden Ticket...that's where the fun being..............with Charile gaining his last five entry into the chocolate factory when he found the Golden Ticket few minutes before the day comes.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger DARLing said...

never chio again???


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