Crazy Frog found Guilty of Deceit

Die die, you frog!!
Taken from The Inquirer
<<THE COMPANY which resells the popular Crazy Frog ringtone in the UK, mBlox, has just been fined £40,000 by the industry regulator, ICSTIS.
It has also forced mBlox to provide refunds to at least 338 people who had complained about the Crazy Frog adverts as being misleading.
These encouraged TV viewers to sign up to a ringtone club - rather than just being a one-off payment for a single ringtone.
Consequently many consumers found themselves paying for additional ringtones - at £1.50 a time - which they didn't even realise they had ordered.
Thus consumers were being duped into paying for something they didn't really want.
Industry watchers - including analysts, Juniper Research - have called for an end to the policy of offering subscription services as this practice has tarnished the image of the entire mobile content industry.
The problem is that the industry is currently self-regulating and ICSTIS has no powers to regulate Jamba which actually owns the Crazy Frog brand.
Since Jamba doesn't sell direct, it falls outside ICSTIS's current remit.
Considering how difficult it is to find ICSTIS, 338 is an amasing high number of complaints. µ >>
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