Random thoughts

Lately, my ear bud has not been fed with any quality music, although i have some new music along side with me, but none so far have been revolutionary. Heard that the electronic group Dousk has released their complete album. I will see if i can get the CD in town.
Meanwhile, my dear friend Thaskin is in trouble, sounds like people are alienating him for his recent fiasco of selling his shares to Temasek Holding. As predicted Thaskin will have a rough year ahead.
Party Over for Thaskin?
PM's friends to keep a distance from him
More storm over Thaskin's head
Another thing, you won't believed what i had tried last week with Lily @Beaver Bar. Shou not speak of here... :D
I also watch couples of powerful movies over the span of two weeks. Caught Syrianna [Preview] and Munich [Bangkok Siam Paragon theatre] altogether. Two stories bring the conflicts of our times, deliver the hidden power that decides which nation to suffer, which nation to prosper from atrocity. likes the chinese's says, the king takes all.
For those who still living in utopia, Syrianna will be one movie to paint you a better picture what fuel today global conflicts....OIL, as we knew is a crucial energy source. Without oil, everything that we so dependent on will be withered away to a standstill, without oil, civilisation will roll back to stone age. So now you know why there are'nt any effort to push for alternative energy than fighting over oil fields?
Munich, a little slant to the jew's side when the PLOs massacred all the Israelis atheletics....however the cause of revenge had nothing to do with the persons behind the kidnapping. Because, most of the kidnappers were killed during the rescue raid. So our lead character were tasked to cleanse all the targetted personnels involves assigned by top mossad intelligence slowly, he realised that the people he had assasinated were threat to Israel than the people involves in the Black Sept movement. Slower, the lead character became disillusioned and became a separatist. Go watch them 'em i would said. :D
post the pics from Beavers here la!
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