Just being radically different from the herd.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Shoe addiction again

Actually i liked this pair of sport wear called Mexico 66 which was built with suede leather and look amazingly light. I guessed it is quite a likeable pair of street wear.
They even have a ad accompanied with this Asics Mexcio66. Available in various colors.
Check Onitsuka Tiger America out here,
And Onitsuka Tiger UK

There the big question is, who is FAILE? [Taken from Onitsuka Tiger UK, sorry lah. Lazy to summarize]
Faile are an international collective of artists and designers, famed for their striking iconography and unique style. Their artwork is as much at home on a city wall as in an uptown gallery. Faile’s work has attracted a loyal international following, with exhibitions in LA, London, Tokyo and Copenhagen. They have worked on projects within the worlds of design, music and fashion, and are widely acknowledged as some of the pioneers in the contemporary street art movement. More information and exhibition details are available on Faile.net.
And just to excite myself, allow me to intro Ontisuka Tiger's history.. :p
The founder of the now well-known shoes and apparel brand ASICS had already led an adventurous life, when in 1949, at the age of 31, he entered a new phase in his life. After years in the military and having worked for a company who bought and sold beer on the black market, Onitsuka decided that sports could play an important role in rebuilding the self-esteem of the youngsters in Japan. He learned how to manufacture shoes and founded Onitsuka Co Ltd. It was the start of a company that would develop into one of the five largest brands in the world market of sports shoes.
Straw sandals
Yukio Matsumoto, head coach of the Kobe High School basketball team, urged Onitsuka to start manufacturing basketball shoes. He strongly believed that basketball would soon become a popular sport in Japan. Onitsuka’s first shoe design resembled a straw sandal rather than a basketball shoe and was greeted with mockery by the school coach.
From that moment on Onitsuka came over to watch the basketball team practice whenever he could. He observed the movements of the feet and started wondering how he could enable the players to make sudden stops and starts.
Suction cups
In the summer of 1951, during a vacation, Onitsuka saw a plate with pickles and octopus legs. He suddenly realised that the suction cups of the octopus could be the key he had been looking for. He used the concept of the suction cups for the sole of the basketball shoes he was working on at the time and took his new shoes to the team. One of the players tried the shoes and the sole design proved so effective that he tumbled and fell when he made a sudden stop. Onitsuka adjusted the shape of the suction cups and he finally had what he wanted: basketball shoes that made it possible to stop and start without slipping.
The support of the coaches and players proved crucial to the success of Onitsuka. When he took samples of his shoes to the sports stores, their first reaction was that they could not do business with him because they only bought from wholesalers. The young entrepreneur then visited the basketball coaches of high schools and showed them his basketball shoes.
The coaches were enthusiastic and went with him to the stores to tell them that the students would be wearing Onitsuka shoes from then on. All Onitsuka had to do after that was write down the orders.
By 1953 Onitsuka had broadened his interest towards running shoes. Working with top Marathon runner Tooru Terasawa, he decided to try and develop a way to avoid long distance runners getting blisters. The air-cooling system of motorcycles served as an inspiration. He used a loosely woven cloth for the top of the shoes and made a number of holes in the front and the sides. As a result of these measures the feet were now able to “breathe”. In addition Onitsuka designed a two-layered sole to soften the impact. Terasawa tried the shoes on and ran 42 kilometres and 195 metres without blisters for the first time.
Abebe Bikila
It took a little persuasion to get the legendary Ethiopian Marathon runner Abebe Bikila to wear Tiger shoes. As a matter of fact, up until 1957, Abebe didn’t wear shoes at all. When Onitsuka saw Abebe winning the Olympic Marathon in 1956 in Melbourne, Australia, he was worried about the future of his company. Abebe ran barefoot. The next year, when Abebe Bikila ran the Mainichi Marathon in Japan, Onitsuka visited him in his hotel. “Why didn’t you bring your shoes?” Onitsuka asked. “Because I don’t have any”, was the athlete’s answer. After Onitsuka had explained to him that Japanese roads are littered with glass and therefore running bare-foot could be dangerous, Abebe was willing to give the Tiger running shoes a try. Onitsuka hurried back to the factory and gave his technicians the order to manufacture the world’s lightest pair of shoes immediately. The next day Abebe Bikila won the marathon. He wore shoes ever since.
In 1958 Onitsuka, who had bought the “Tiger” brand a year before, celebrated the 10th anniversary of his company in an astonishing way. He had decided that Onitsuka should not become a family-run business, but an employee-run business. He distributed 70 percent of the shares to his employees. Half of the total capital was handed free of charge to senior employees, in accordance with their achievements. Twenty percent of the capital was offered to younger employees for a fee.
Preparing for the 1972 Sapporo Winter Olympics, GTO, manufacturer of sportswear and nets, Jelenk, manufacturer of knit wear and Onitsuka built a regional sales office together on a piece of land near Hokkaido.
It turned out to be the starting point of a historic merger that made an old dream of Kihachiro Onitsuka, a complete sporting goods company, come true. After years of negotiations the deal was finalised towards the end of 1976. In 1977 GTO, Jelenk and Onitsuka merged to form a new, strong and progressive enterprise. To find an appropriate name for their new company, the founders turned to the Ancient Romans and found an old Latin phrase: Anima Sana In Corpore Sano (a sound mind in a sound body). The world of sports welcomed a new, promising name: ASICS
Scholar system
So read on to this article.
SINGAPORE'S early successes were built largely on the back of a scholarship system that – broadly speaking – followed imperial China as a way to recruit the ‘best and brightest” to serve the country.
For 1,300 years of imperial examination history, China’s emperors had selected 100,000 state-level and more than a million provincial scholars to administer the vast country.
Although the details differed, the objective of ancient China and 21st Century Singapore was similar – aimed at getting the best scholars who do well in education to help run the country.
But it worked well under their respective circumstances.
For China, however, the method became outdated and was ended in 1911 because the world had changed. The imperial exam tested only literature, poetry and essays, but not science, maths or any of today’s modern studies that were needed by a changed world.
The question now is whether Singapore’s scholarship system of selecting the best has also outlived its days in the 21st Century that needs entrepreneurial and innovative skills.
The government spends millions to provide some 200 to 250 university scholarships each year to the best students here based on examination results, out of 1,200 to 1,400 applications received by the Public Service Commission.
Competition, just like in ancient China, is strong and the successful are chosen for the crème de la crème schools. They are sent to the best universities abroad and given high-paying official positions.
The Chinese imperial system was a method to evaluate ability and select officials in dynastic China on the basis of merit rather than social position or political connections.
Similarly, Singapore leaders also advocate meritocracy. Lee Kuan Yew was an admirer of Confucian teachings, which formed a big subject in the imperial exam.
But both systems had unintended side effects. In China, the majority of those who sat for the exam were from the wealthy class.
In Singapore, a recent report said that 75% of scholarship winners lived in private condos or landed property, the rest in cheaper public housing estates. The rich continue to have an edge.
Lee, now Minister Mentor, admits that academic grades cannot determine the best intelligence or capabilities but until a better way is found, he said they remain the criteria.
But in the innovative world, can it continue to work when circumstances are changing so rapidly? Today private enterprise and human innovation, not knowledge of science and engineering, are the new gods needed for survival here.
Some Singaporeans believe that Lee’s scholars’ class may also become obsolete just as the imperial examination went out of fashion.
In fact, the Lee government had exceeded imperial China in recruitment.
Over the years, the large intake of scholars into the bureaucracy and military leadership was so heavy that it has created a hole in the economy. It has deprived the state of a rich source of potential entrepreneurs.
The brightest students are filtered into a secure, well-paid bureaucracy where they developed an ability to ‘play safe’ and avoid taking risks so that they can keep their jobs, the opposite of the new Singaporean we need.
Despite of – or because of – the scholar class, Singapore remains sadly behind its trade rivals in entrepreneurial spirit and capabilities.
It has led Lee to get the government to release up to half of its state-supported civil service scholars to move into starting enterprises, with questionable results.
For years scholars have been running state-owned enterprises, but it is not the same as taking risks with their own money and careers. Few are prepared to take personal risks to start their own companies.
Good grades may not make good businessmen and often have nothing to do with them.
Scholars may produce good bureaucrats and administrators but they do not necessarily have sound judgment, market ideas or profits, qualities needed in the new economy.
Dr Phua Kai Lit, a sociologist who received his PhD from Johns Hopkins, wrote that Singapore had become a country “increasingly ruled by economists, engineers, and other technocratic experts with First Class Honours undergraduate degrees, Oxbridge and Ivy League Master's degrees and PhDs.”
“Whether this society truly fulfils (the Singaporean) dream and meets his expectations is a question worthy of debate,” he said.
Another reason why it may not survive long is that it promotes an elitist class, which despite the leaders’ best efforts, is growing more unpopular with the new generation.
Actually, offering high civil service jobs to scholars is not uncommon in many countries – but not in politics. The unique feature in Singapore lies in its use to select Cabinet ministers and members of Parliament in the ruling party.
In other democratic countries winning elections is a deciding factor, but the predominant strength of the People’s Action Party virtually rules out this criterion.
R.K. Vasil wrote in 1992, “The PAP has established a unique system of recruitment of its top political leaders and Ministers.
“Talented individuals are 'spotted' and have to pass through a barrage of observations, interviews, attachment to a veteran MP and, allegedly, even psychological tests before being offered safe parliamentary seats to contest (under the PAP banner) in General Elections.
“After winning these safe seats, they may be offered responsibility as junior ministers and if they pass this test, they would then be offered higher level positions with greater responsibilities”
For the present, nothing much will change but, as the leaders themselves say, nothing remains the same for long in this fast-moving worldNow who is naked?

So what happened when a VCD of the intense action was send to Teresa Kok who later presented the video clip to the 30 MPs were shocked and disgusted. Now the case was regarded a parallel human rights abuse in Abu Ghraib in Iraq by Malaysia Police.
However the incident incensed many people when the Recorded Video from the Mobile phone was spreading like wild fire via MMS and internet. Worst, the event was taken in the presence of a police woman with her tundung on. So how does she actually felt when the same request is done on her? There's more to morality than police's procedures. And many people have taken the opportunity to clean up the police's acts, thanks to DPA Theresa, Lim Kit Siang who have been very vocal lately.
I hope there are some justice to this incident and certainly it's high time that Malaysia cleaned up it's police act as i always regards Malaysia as one good place for leisure visit.
Meanwhile Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has pledged to get to the bottom of this "naked" incident.
Malaysiakini - Abu Ghraib parallel
Tereasa Kok - MMS
Lim Kit Siang - Police's Abu Ghraib another black eye
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Let's remember him, George Best

The Video
Samsung new gorgeous LCD monitor

Design apart is not going to win mind and hearts of consumers, it's also decked with impressive performance as well. Response time of 6ms and combine contrast ratios of 1500:1 and 1000:1 and delivering decent brightness of 280cd/m2 at 170 degree of viewing angles.
If you are looking for a new monitor, this could be your calling.
George Best [1946 - 2005]

As much as i am not a huge fan of Manchester United, George Best definitely carried the best of himself and the club to the highest level. Instrumentally helping Man U to win First Division Champion [then] im 1965, 1967 and 1968. George Best is renowned for his dazzling skills and great personality. Despite his great skill, he retired at age 27 at Man U [63-73] after servicing them for 10 years and went on to play numerous clubs likes Stockport County, Fulham, and many more before calling it quit in 1983.
Let's remember him for making soccer a beautiful game.
Football mourns George Best death
The best and worst of a legend
The best of Best
Best in quotes
Best was class from the start Wow!
United legend Best dies
Best's factfile
United in grief fir a tragic hero
Life's game, as played by George Best
George Best in pictures
I liked this particular quote about Paul Gascoigne when George was doing Soccer Punit for Sky sport. hee...
I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: "What's an IQ?"
Friday, November 25, 2005
It's not tiger time, It's Nike Time!

Hee, Nike has launched a new range of rugged sport watches for the festive season. If you think they made good X'mas gift, head down to NIKE for a brand new year with a new watch got ya love one, particularly yours truely.
University joke
Hey, i think some of folks may have see this joke about University offering. I cracked almost immediately to it's antic.
However having completed my course last year, it's does made me missed school. Oh well, here we go again.
Letter from MIT
The following is an exact transcription of a letter John Mongan received from MIT, and the reply that he sent them. Unfortunately, they chose to discontinue their correspondence at that point. I have heard, however, that their recruitment letter has been revised and is far less snotty than it once was.
April 18, 1994
Mr. John T. Mongan
123 Main Street
Smalltown, California 94123-4567
Dear John:
You've got the grades. You've certainly got the PSAT scores.
And now you've got a letter from MIT. Maybe you're surprised.
Most students would be.
But you're not most students. And that's exactly why I urge
you to consider carefully one of the most selective universities in America.
The level of potential reflected in your performance is a
powerful indicator that you might well be an excellent
candidate for MIT. It certainly got my attention!
Engineering's not for you? No problem. It may surprise you
to learn we offer more than 40 major fields of study, from
architecture to brain and cognitive sciences, from economics
(perhaps the best program in the country) to writing.
What? Of course, you don't want to be bored. Who does? Life
here is tough and demanding, but it's also fun. MIT students
are imaginative and creative - inside and outside the classroom.
You're interested in athletics? Great! MIT has more varsity
teams - 39 - than almost any other university, and a
tremendous intramural program so everybody can participate.
You think we're too expensive? Don't be too sure. We've got
surprises for you there, too.
Why not send the enclosed Information Request to find out
more about this unique institution? Why not do it right now?
Michael C. Benhke
Director of Admissions
P.S. If you'd like a copy of a fun-filled, fact-filled
brochure, "Insight," just check the appropriate box on the
May 5, 1994
Michael C. Behnke
MIT Director of Admissions
Office of Admissions, Room 3-108
Cambridge MA 02139-4307
Dear Michael:
You've got the reputation. You've certainly got the
pomposity. And now you've got a letter from John Mongan.
Maybe you're surprised. Most universities would be.
But you're not most universities. And that's exactly why I
urge you to carefully consider one of the most selective
students in America, so selective that he will choose only one
of the thousands of accredited universities in the country.
The level of pomposity and lack of tact reflected in your
letter is a powerful indicator that your august institution
might well be a possibility for John Mongan's future education.
It certainly got my attention!
Don't want Bio-Chem students? No problem. It may surprise
you to learn that my interests cover over 400 fields of
study, from semantics to limnology, from object-oriented
programming (perhaps one of the youngest professionals
in the country) to classical piano.
What? Of course you don't want egotistical jerks. Who does?
I am self indulgent and over confident, but I'm also amusing.
John Mongan is funny and amusing - whether you're
laughing with him or at him.
You're interested in athletes? Great! John Mongan has played
more sports - 47 - than almost any other student, including
oddball favorites such as Orienteering.
You think I can pay for your school? Don't be too sure. I've
got surprises for you there, too.
Why not send a guaranteed admission and full scholarship to
increase your chance of being selected by John Mongan? Why
not do it right now?
John Mongan
P.S. If you'd like a copy of a fun-filled, fact-filled
brochure, "John Mongan: What a Guy!" just ask.
John never got a reply.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Paul Smith's bike, vroom vroom

Triumph Bonneville T100 will be available in limited run of 450 units in 9 different designs. MSRP is US$10,999
My kind of DJ deck

If i am a DJ and a owner of a music club, i am gotta have this DJ deck in my club. Designed by Metrofarm using a combination of concrete and other material, this concrete DJ turn table is definitely not flint stone's era antic..
Airline Window Seat? Anyone
Hee...due to my regional responsibility. I take flights pretty frequent and if you are still missing the window seating sensation, there always a therapy.

Designed by Mike & Maaike, a California duo. These might bring the airplane to your home.
Addias ONE

Three years in the making, Addias has introduced the world 1st intelligent shoe thats uses sensors, magnet and intelligent varies the cushion of the shoe according to the activity you are doing.
Reebok still bored the distinction of introducing semi-intelligent shoe when the Reebok Pump was designed some 15 years ago. Strangely now Reebok was acquired by Addias.
Powered by a battery that lasts 100 hrs, this US$350 pair of intelligent is no slouch in development, Addias is touting to spend 20 million bucks in advertising, music, and everything to made this a runaway success.
Nike Cool Artiste Collaboration Launch

Via The Cool Hunter
Cool watch

However, due to future planning. I will have to wait and made them my collection. But i would like a brand new Automatic wrist watch right now.
Saw the latest Omega's Seamaster, quite tempting. However, Alessi has introduced a suite of simplistic watch at a cost of US$85 with various color. They might made a good X'mas present.
Hey Mr DJ, ya turn table darn cool hor

Hee, if you can spin, at least look good on a turn table! Hahaha :)
CleanAudio from Germany designed and manufactures this nice cool turn table.
Hot iPod Shuffle skin

It's a cute monster, NooOoo it's a USB key!

As a matters of facts, these Mimobots were painstaking designed by Yahid Rodríguez a mexican graphic designers.
However if you are bored, you can pre-order them at Mimoco now.

Sunday, November 20, 2005
Japan's comic that disregard Korean and Chinese is a big hit
Japan has been pretty well known to air brush their history books with vary amounts of truth from its citizen, ranging from suppression of korean and rape of nanking.
Coupled with the recent economical rises of the South Korea and China, Japan's superiority seemed to be taken much beating since 2002. South Korean's Chaebols like Samsung & LG have been taking the world by storm while Japanese's companies like Sony who once ruled the world is raking bad news, 1st it was retrenchment and then recent rootkit incident had really tainted Sony's image.
However, the discontentment had really gone into the sketch book when Shinyusha sold comic reflecting their ugly views against it's neighbour.
It's seemed that the Japanese have not learnt it's lesson.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
DJ Intenze ~ Vol 21 Uber: Knowledge Disparity
Robin had sampled the Vol Uber: Knowledge Disparity
Again i listed the tracks for Vol 21;
Song Of Life (Lemon Interrupt Mix) - Leftfield [Sasha & John Digweed mix]
Amo Bishop Roden - Board Of Canada
Under the Sun - Dusted
Rino's Prayer - Leftfield
I Am - Chakra
Cool My Fire [I'm Burning] - Ada
I'll Call You (Accappella) - Soul Mekanik
Black Currant - L.S.G
Light to Motion
I'll Kill You [Luke Chable Remix] - Terry Grant
Poseidon - BT
Niji (Potted Gold Remix) - Denki Groove
Resurrection (Original Mix)
Calling Your Name (Original Mix) - Libra Presents Taylor - Anomally
Perfume Suite - Trafik
All tracks are encoded in variable bit rate between 192~224kbps using LAME 3.97 Beta 2 encoder
Edited using Audacity
Comments if you like the compilation
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Chinese car maker continue to surge forward, a great leap forward
Taken from www.autoblog.com
On a related note, Toyota announced a couple of days ago that it has officially registered the first hybrid vehicles in China under the country’s national hybrid vehicle certification system. Of the 30 Toyota Prius cars registered, 27 were in Beijing and the remaining three in other cities. Toyota plans to begin manufacturing the Prius in China’s Changchun Plant by the end of 2006.
One thing to keep in mind regarding China is its existing environmental problems and the lack of a dominating motor fuel infrastructure. The lack of a gas station on every corner makes China a prime canidate to lead the world in the purchase and manufacturing of hybrid vehicles over the coming decades as its economy continues to grow and demand for vehicles increases. Whether the Chinese public will buy hybrids is another story.
Cute little spiky thing

Guessed what is this spiky little thing? Hee...it's actually a ear phone winder for you to wind up the excess length on the spike.
Can be order from Tetran
mom, i want that watch? Okay, let me see. %#@!%$ U dirty boy!!

Hee..ever want a watch that tell more than just time? hee..or aleast some bonding? :p
Look no further than Erotica watch, who offers kama sutra movement at the back of the watch. Price is US$650.
Here some quick specification of erotica watch
- Animated Sex Movement
- Stainless steel
- Leather strap
- Assembled by hand
- Water resistant
- Hand wind mechanical watch
Sesame street character
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