Saturday, April 16, 2005

Oracle's divine

Having see an Oracle aka Fortune teller yesterday. I had some assuring answer to my future.
While consolidating all the thoughts on what he had said about my entire life.

The foretell was based on my chinese astrology and what is being fated for the very 1st day i was borned. Some events that brought up had actually happened. Anyway..

Interesting facts is my potential will glow tremendously if i worked overseas and my fortune will peak between i am 45 to 65 years old. I guessed that sound assuring that i do not have to worry about my late years.

Interestingly women claimed to play a major part of my life. Hee...we shall see :P

Meanwhile, I not going to divulge my entire life over this blog. But i had actually seen one Oracle two years ago. Pretty much the same stuffs she told me. I guessed it is now the matter of being shown to the door and choosing to walk into it.

Blue Pill anyone?

Appreciation goes to Denise for leading me to see Master divine, Chen si fu.... thank :D


At 9:08 AM, Blogger DARLing said...

Chen si Fu ..
wowow ..
so awaiting for a ripe old age to enjoy and interesting lady to appear !
MUST BLOG man .. :)


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