Thursday, June 16, 2005

Departing in a few moment

I will be departing my way to South Korea's Seoul in an hr later (1930hrs).Will be taking Korean Air this time. My qoute from the Travel Agent vs SQ and KLA is as much $300 difference. I got my ticket about SG$750+ while SQ goes something like SG$1100. Guessed i pass SQ this time and try Korean Air and see how their service fares.

I taken JAL before and i absolutely love to fly with them. Of course the Japanese Flight stewardness is fair skinned cute cute one, which is alway my favour of the day had made my flight so enjoyable. Now that i recalled, it was in year 2001 that i decided to take a long trip to Canada, Vancouver.

That was one year after i made the jump from Semiconductor industry to IT industry, everything did not seemed to work well for me. At one end i missed my National Semiconductor's friends and another end, i learning so much new things and not knowing if the choice i had taken was correct. Winding back to those semiconductor days, i really had a good time there, despite making myself known in the circles, i also groomed many people who eventually had their own chance as well. So anticipating loom years ahead of semiconductor after 97's economy slump, i decided to try a new trade.

So i took my chance to join a startup company called Matrix Communication who deemed to specialised in Network Security. When i joined, i had zero Unix and networking knowledge and all the tekan had made me speed learnt all the basic skill i needed for survival. Its seemed that i had a gift for working things around. Frankly if u asked me how i got thru all the Unix setup, u won't believed how i overcame them. Even till now, i can feel that i making my presense felt in my existing job because i had learnt how to depends on myself and work the problems around. Too sad, that many Singaporean lack the aptitude to work the problem and took the shortcut out by relying on their upstream for support.

Soon, Singaporean will be brain dead from lack of creativity thinking.

Now running back to the JAL thing is was i noticed that a Japanese flight stewardness was sitting opposite me then. She was'nt tat gorgeous, but she's a gem waiting to be found. I had 13 hrs of flight time with "her" hee. Incidently, i saw her at Vancouver's downtown when i was strolling along side a Smoked Salmon shop...i saw her inside. Wow......can't believed. Too bad i did not had the courage to know her. *sob sob

That was some JAL experience....right? haha

Now back to the Korea thing, Min Sun called me to guide me how to get to the Renaissance-Seoul Hotel by taking the Korea Air Line Limo after departing from Gate 4A. Anyway, a friendly call to Leo's sister, Rebecca Koh who flies to Korea pretty frequent had given me much needed starter guide to Korea. Point noted and just realised she and her close buddy, Agnes (Thomas's colleague, my classmate) were working near Suntec, we agreed to have lunch together next time.

Sayanora to my lonely lunch time. A lest, lately i have been taking late lunch for some reasons. I noticed my tummy had small shrink. I so happy.

Lastly but not least, i hope i could work around our Korean's counterpart issue with SCO's Unixware with our disk array.

let's pray my mojo still with me.

And lastly, i hope i not missed in Singapore.



At 12:10 AM, Blogger DARLing said...

U R missed by mi n raw bean
see u soon

At 10:04 PM, Blogger DARLing said...

min sun dont b sad u have also good frds like us !

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Dalicia said...

oracle SPEAKING!


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