Just being radically different from the herd.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Wah, Panasonic latest DSLR, Lumix DMC-LC1

Review @ Let's go Digital
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Birthday meeting up on the roll
This year has been a sweet year while spending some times with friends. Actually it's not really about my birthday any more, it's more of a time allocated for some clean fun. Pretty guessed everyone was so stressed up with their life and work. Time to de-stress a lil, won't hurt a lil right?
Yesterday was a indeed a good day to roll on my birthday's session as i have finally the chance to meet Rebecca for Japanese food and coffee, since for the past couples of weeks, Rebecca was ill after her business trip to Germany. Am glad to hear that she will be heading her own customer service team in Dystar starting from April as Asst Manager. Good work and we certainly hope ya new role will spread your wing further. It seemed that her love life is also blossoming as well. *wink wink.

Right went into our comfortable seat, we were happily snapping pictures and laughing away. Siang and Ivy popped in later and stirred up the fun with more fun conversational content. Of course, most of the time the laughter were built upon me.....obviously at my expenses at all accounts. :p

Anyway, May gave us a revelation pictorial presentation about Robin's tools...hee :p Ops

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Reflection: 2
Day 1 had passed, although it was just a simple gathering, eating and gossiping, i guessed it's the thought & presence that counts most. I guessed after living for a long time or at least quite sometime at 30-ish, one would care less about remembering the birthday. Be it yourself or friends. Sometimes most things in life is just a passing clouds. Only the good one struck within your vision.

Birthday meeting with Amy, Joanne, Robin and May

I'd arranged the dinner to meet the above people 1st at Jack's place and head off to Raffle Hotel for some tammy-ish video session.
Amy was celebrating her birthday with me as well, since we two were born on the same day. Luckily the whole gang managed to click. May got me a nice book from Jack Welch, indeed it was my 1st management biography, guessed it will only the be the beginning i find my way to the top, voila~!
Amy was celebrating her birthday with me as well, since we two were born on the same day. Luckily the whole gang managed to click. May got me a nice book from Jack Welch, indeed it was my 1st management biography, guessed it will only the be the beginning i find my way to the top, voila~!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Birthday gift from Cecilia :)

Guessed what Cecilia had given me? A flower!! For 3* yrs [Age hidden to protect my youthfulness] this is the 1st time i recieved flower from a lady. Aiyo..pengz. I liked the Sunflower, because Cecilia said i am like sunflower most of the time. *blush blush ;D
Please dun misunderstood, Cecilia is married to a wonderful and caring husband, Jason. Cecilia, once again thanks for the radiant sunflower. :)
Again, i am happy that Cecilia loved the bag i brought her from Jim Thompson @Bangkok.

Day of self reflection

I know i was bad to do something un nice, and i had deep remorse for what i have done. Today is the day i beginning to realise that i have a Mount Everest to climb if i would to take a big heap forward away from my current stances. Sometimes thoughts weight more than a tael of gold.
Today i unwrapped something which i had never dreamt off. A birthday present made with delication and thoughts. Guessed, phom was melted at the very instance and reflected what's a folly dork i were. :( So sorry...i am moo moo [pig in thai]
If you are reading this...thanks you so much for the present and i would like you to come to my little boat which i plan to row with you till the edge of the ocean.
Today is my birthday, along with Steve Jobs and Amy Ho of Stamford Travel. God bless you all. :D
Today i unwrapped something which i had never dreamt off. A birthday present made with delication and thoughts. Guessed, phom was melted at the very instance and reflected what's a folly dork i were. :( So sorry...i am moo moo [pig in thai]
If you are reading this...thanks you so much for the present and i would like you to come to my little boat which i plan to row with you till the edge of the ocean.
Today is my birthday, along with Steve Jobs and Amy Ho of Stamford Travel. God bless you all. :D
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Random thoughts

Lately, my ear bud has not been fed with any quality music, although i have some new music along side with me, but none so far have been revolutionary. Heard that the electronic group Dousk has released their complete album. I will see if i can get the CD in town.
Meanwhile, my dear friend Thaskin is in trouble, sounds like people are alienating him for his recent fiasco of selling his shares to Temasek Holding. As predicted Thaskin will have a rough year ahead.
Party Over for Thaskin?
PM's friends to keep a distance from him
More storm over Thaskin's head
Another thing, you won't believed what i had tried last week with Lily @Beaver Bar. Shou not speak of here... :D
I also watch couples of powerful movies over the span of two weeks. Caught Syrianna [Preview] and Munich [Bangkok Siam Paragon theatre] altogether. Two stories bring the conflicts of our times, deliver the hidden power that decides which nation to suffer, which nation to prosper from atrocity. likes the chinese's says, the king takes all.
For those who still living in utopia, Syrianna will be one movie to paint you a better picture what fuel today global conflicts....OIL, as we knew is a crucial energy source. Without oil, everything that we so dependent on will be withered away to a standstill, without oil, civilisation will roll back to stone age. So now you know why there are'nt any effort to push for alternative energy than fighting over oil fields?
Munich, a little slant to the jew's side when the PLOs massacred all the Israelis atheletics....however the cause of revenge had nothing to do with the persons behind the kidnapping. Because, most of the kidnappers were killed during the rescue raid. So our lead character were tasked to cleanse all the targetted personnels involves assigned by top mossad intelligence slowly, he realised that the people he had assasinated were threat to Israel than the people involves in the Black Sept movement. Slower, the lead character became disillusioned and became a separatist. Go watch them 'em i would said. :D
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Just got back from BBK :)

The pictures below suggested we had good time dinning with all Thai friends with all singing away in a floating hut. Yes, a Floating hut made of wood and barrels bundled together. Checkout the foods. You will be amazed how tasty they get.

We did had a good feast.
On the second day, we went to Chokchai farm from another province which showcases how they raise cattles and produce dairy for ice cream and dairy milk. It's quite an eye opening experience to see cattles wandering in the open farm and jean cladded cowboy riding on horse back marsharing the herds, the idea of going to Chokchai farm is to taste them fresh beef steak. The Restaurant is called Chokchai Steak. That's can be found in various spot in Bangkok. But Chokchai farm offers the distinction to visit the farm and taste their best served steak. Aroi mak mak!!!

Managed to get a chance to visit Jim Thompson's house museum which housed some of the best silk in town. Located after a few couple of strolls away from Siam BTS station. Jim Thompson was an american living in Thailand while he piled his trade in 1930s. He had his house constructed in a Thai's traditional architectural to display his admiration of Thai culture, amazingly built and blended with western culture by using Thai architecture and western interior design. However with Jim Thompson disappearance in 1967, it was converted into a silk museum. And in accordance if Jim Thompson was to be still alive, he will be 100 years old now. His body was never found. Entrance only 100 bahts. But Nung preferred to wait outside for me..:(
That's all for the time-being.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Puma Performance 8 street wear

Made by Puma, designed by Neil Barrett [ex Gucci and ex Prada]
Here come the Puma Performance 8 sneaker. Catch them at Hyperbeast
iPod docking on Apple Mini

Apple is planning to release an Apple Mini with iPod docking bay. Looks like cool as a mini entertainment pc.
Catch this from Apple Insider.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Backside watch

Fancy wearing a watch facing backward? Dun get it?
Or do you care if i tell you they running at 99 limited pieces and cost you about US$1000 buck?
Still can't figure the angle out?
Check it out at Krunker.
Songbird, iTunes killer?

Opensource community again has something to offer to iPod's lover. Hail Songbird, an alternative to iTunes media player. What's so cool about Songbird?
Well, it is the same team led by ex-Winamp's Rob Lord and it releasing the software as preview now. Insteads of loaded with DRM-ed goods that Microsoft been professing. Songbird is decked with music services. I running it now, worthy sitting in your hard disk.

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Jessica Alba top 99 woman :D

Askmen recently conducted an online poll on earth most desirable woman..guessed what? Jessica Alba top the 99 women list. :D
Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron just nominated for best actress for North Country. Actually she's very attractive woman and even her teen picture said it all. Minus the messy hair and oversized glasses.
Full list of Oscar Nomination
In addition, she did made a quote while filming Aeon Flux; coolz
"I knew it wouldn't just be running around with big tits and kicking things. I'm not good at that.
"I haven't got any tits."
See it all here