Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo was the work of Shinichiro Wanatabe and designed by Kazuto Nakazawa [Kill Bill Vol 1.] Shinichiro is responsible for few wonderful anime, namely Cowboy Becop and Animatrix. For those who won by the antics of Spike will see the similarity at Mugen.
The story depicted that a Japanese gal, Fuu started out a quest to locate the Samurai that smelled likes Sunflower....along her way, she found two companions, Mugen and Jin.
Mugen is an orphan who grew up in the street fighting days of Edo dynasty, he basically created his own form of fighting called Champuru Kendo. A mixtures of various martial arts concocted by him. Unpredictable and wild in his fighting style that make him a worthy opponent. Mugen speak his mind and care nothing in the world until he met Fuu.
Jin likewise a disciplined samuari who fight with grace and razor sharp accuracy, being enigmatic Jin is an opposite of Mugen. Both served to protect Fuu in her journey to find the samurai that smells like sunflower. Along the journey, the fun and fighting began..very much like cowboy becop style of fighting, it's never stop to amaze u. If you find one copy of it, i suggest you pick it up. The fun begins...with good music tracks.