Just being radically different from the herd.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Pant Pant :p~~
Hoping i can exercise my thin diet @San Diego, now packing my bag and getting ready for the long journey.
BY clocking this journey with Alliance's mileage program, soon i will have a free ticket to any desire location. hee, not bad har?
Now i need to get a new jogging shoe. :D any sponsor?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
I am not Ninja Turtle!!!
Everything Pizza |
![]() Diverse and adaptable You enjoy the full buffet of life It's hard to you play favorites with friends... or flavors There's very little that you dislike! |
table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.
My birth date
Your Birthdate: February 24 |
![]() Born on the 24th, you have a greater capacity for responsibility and helping others than your may have realized. You may also become the mediator and peacemaker in inharmonious situations. Devoted to family, you tend to manage and protect. This birth date adds to the emotional nature and perhaps to the sensitivities. Affections are important to you; both the giving and the receiving. |
My Mojo Code hehehe :D ~ wah gold? everything i touch turns gold.
Your Power Color Is Gold |
![]() At Your Highest: You are engrossed in passions that mentally stimulate you. At Your Lowest: You seek thrills and neglect what's important in your life. In Love: You see dating as adventure and approach it with an open attitude. How You're Attractive: You passion for life makes others passionate about you. Your Eternal Question: "Am I Having Fun?" |
Friday, September 23, 2005
Final Fantasy VII ~ Advent Children ~ Tifa Muak Muak, Cloub dun want u, i take u..come come

Despite the forthmentioned shortcoming, the animation is top notched and of course watching Tifa swing her fist is quite a sight. Catch the movie if you have a chance.
iTune 5.0.1 and new iPod software undates
I not sure how many iPodders have updated their iTune 4.9 to iTune 5.0.1, but if you are missing that out for some reasons. Here is your chance.
Update ya fucking iTune!! haha
And 23 sept, iPod software has just been released. Fixed iPod Shuttle's bug and includes iPod Nano support.
Download here
Apple today released iPod Updater 2005-09-23, which includes new software to correct issues with the iPod shuffle. According to Apple’s release notes, the update contains iPod Software 1.1.2 for the shuffle, but the same software versions as iPod Updater 2005-09-06 for all other iPods. No other specific changes were available beyond the statement that the update provides “bug fixes for iPod shuffle
Altec Lansing new iPod speaker, drool ~
Altec Lansing - inMotion iM5
This compact speaker system features four full-range micro drivers and an iPod docking station that slides in and out like a drawer at the push of a button. As a replacement for the original inMotion and inMotion Plus speakers with identical drivers, iM5 “serves up rich, full-bodied sound that fills the room,” also offers a composite video output jack, a subwoofer output connection, auxiliary input port, and comes with a deluxe carrying bag. It runs off AC or battery power (up to 24 hours of operation) and works with all dockable iPods (3G/4G/photo and iPod mini). The inMotion iM5 will be available later this month for $149.99.
News taken from iLounge

Putting on few Kgs
Sighz, i cannot imagine when the electronic weighting machine shot close to 68kg [fully clothed] boy, i was so upset.
Guessed, i have to do something about it real soon.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tales Of The Unexpected

Tales Of The Unexpected from Platipus Label. Now sampling it, soon will be uploaded into my darling iPod 4G.
So what up on my ear bud so far? Splendid. For those who are new to Electronic music, Platipus records is one of the forerunner and most progressive label to market Trance and Progressive music. I have been buying Platipus records in since 1995 when i started listening to trance music. I picked up their 1st album "Platipus Vol 2" at Chua Joo Huat record shop [defunct] recommended by Dick. Since then, i went on to collect some of the good albums knowing their standards of progressive music will never dip.
Platipus's brainchild is Simon Berry also well known as member of Art Of Trance who is instrumental in churning out tracks like Albion's Air, Madagascar and Union Jack when he partnered with Terra Ferma's Claudio Guisanni.
Many prominent artistes also rise in his label upbringing;
I wan this monitor!!
Being a dual monitor users, it hard to dismiss its usefulness in our daily computing life.
Beside providing me the absolute versatility of seeing things at a wider perspective, it also enhance productivity without having to hassle with multiple tasks.
But this is just too much. Just too much!!

The spec are staggering impressive, right here from Athen.
Dell's DJ Ditty [stupid name haha]

Aparently, Dell decided to join in the digital portable music's fray with its own introduction of DJ Ditty.
Price similarly to the iPod Shuffle 512Mb, it main differentiation factors will be the inclusion of FM radio and a LCD screenie.
Other wise, i would say..it resembled a ciggy lighter. hahaha :D
News from The inquirer
The Future of iPod
Steve Job's hinted there will be no major updates to iPod's roadmap with either bluetooth or video capability. So existing iPod folks, rejoice!! I hate to throw my iPod 4G 20Gb away. It has been my constant companion for my journey.
As written, the Black iPod Nano seemed to be picking up sales steam. I wish i could own another iPod Nano..I shall make a wish now.
What up on ear's bud?
Lately have been going back to old tracks. Dun ask me, but i think the whole electronic is going back to the good O days..i have the feeling.
LTJ Bukem's Logical Progression has been getting into my ear bud lately.
Who is this dude? LTJ Bukem? Well, LTJ Bukem is one of the instrumental driver behind Atmospheric Drum and Bass music. The only reason why Drum and Bass gotta so popular, you got to give it to this fellow for concocting the great beauty of drum and bass. No other drum and Bass DJ had ever done a greater job than him, i did attended his gig @Phuture last year. But my DJ friend did not seem interested and left early, to date i feel regretted for not completing his set.
Again being an avid record collector [me avid CD collector] he soon felt compounded to do tracks compilation for his own leisure, and slowly gone professional Dj-ing and setup his own studio label called Good Looking records. One thing to note was, he was trained in classical piano. Likes BT [Brian Transeau] both received classical music training at a young tender age.
I think i going to give my child some classical music training and with my gene. My child will be christened as world DJ soon. hehe..
LTJ Bukem had numerous releases under his belt.
Lookie here

Monday, September 19, 2005
What i have been up to lately??
Even the mooncake festival is not getting my attention, generation of discontentment, only
music can make me forget the groaning sights of Singapore.
The music world is like fashion, what comes around goes around.
I have been unfashionably listening to some of my old CDs collection.
Here listed some of my preferred listening pleasure;
- Dusted - When we were young [ Go Beat label ] Ambient, downtempo
- Sasha - Fundacion NYC [ Global underground label ]
- Underworld - Beacoup Fish [ K7 label ] Synth Pop, Electronic
Apparently, Dusted is releasing his second album soon, watch this space for more updates . BTW, for those who listens to Dido and Faithless, Rollo Armstrong is no stranger relatively associated to the foremention artistes. He is brother of Dido [my love] and member of "Faithless" making up of Sister Bliss, Maxi Jazz and himself. Dido did vocal for Faithless as well.
Dusted was one of the Rollo Armstrong's venture into a Ambient, Downtempo with a child's like dreams into a fable world of electronic music. At time it was a pretentious because the CD's cover is depicting a little boy running into a forest populated with gentle ogres. And second album resume the same theme.
- Always Remember To Respect Your Mother [ hold on to Deep dish's remix, shoik ]
- Time Take Time
- Under The Sun
Munching on Rebecca's mooncake
Hee, yesterday was Mooncake festival. Rebecca, the great do-it-herself chef had decided to showcase her culinary skill by making cute little mooncakes for all her friends. Guessed, i am little honor to get to taste her mooncake after so many years of hearing raving news about her mooncakes.
There is only one word for those little sweet mooncakes. "Sweetyummydelicious".
Well done, one Heineken for you.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The Price Of Being Unconventional
- Sasha - Fundacion
- Bliss - Quiet Letters
While on the way back on listening to my iPod on my Vol 20, Revolukion. My IM communication with Elaine flashes across my mind when she exclaimed that i am more Ang Moh than her even when she staying in Seattle.
Hmm..maybe i would to like spread my thoughts a little bit more on this topic.
Actually, i dun think i am more westernised as you said. I am not sure what the rest think about me. But i think being westernised is no big deal either, my point is. Even if you are white, you could still be a "Beng" or "Lian" or what ever it fits. As for me, i'm a little unconventional which i think i am much of bloke who think way ahead of anybody else. I assured you that it is not Kiasu-ism which i detested so much. I think somehow i born with a touch of aesthetic, an appreciation for good taste and good design. This unique features is surely not from ang moh's virtue, i am sure. Appreciation of design is something that you cannot attain by reading or learning, i think it has to do with how you interact with the physic and scuplture of the product.
Likes couple of week, Lily showed me a fabric of photos taken at different shots and placed one over another like a fabric clothes. My immediate response was, "wah rau, so 'Darling' type of photo presentation, freaking "Beng" manz. Then Lily said the fabric of photo was done by her close friend's British Boyfriend. Yucks, so you see the point? British music and fashion is almost the pinnacle of the world, yet you find such ang moh beng also exists...so conclusion is not what or who you are, it is what you think?
Now winding back to the mandarin music topic, although i have not been keeping track of mandarin music, but my argument is, listening to mandarin music does it really made you more chinese? You think so? Let's picture Jay Chou, what kind of music he play? Mandarin Hip hop..right? Where does Hip Hop came from? Junkie America, right? Does his music bearing has anything to do with chinese culture? No right?
Therefore my preference to Electronic music borrow the same argument. :) Just for your information, Electronic music has been around since the 60s, Tangerine Dream was one of the pioneer in electronic music, early works were very rudimental but spur the growth of electronic music movement. Japan also has been one of the forth coming nation to embrace electronica music in the 70s. To date, Electronic music has branch into many different sub-genres ranging from Progressive, Drum and Bass, Trance, Ambient, Acid Jazz, Techno, World Music and so on...
DJs in the likes of Paul Oakenfold, Sasha, Dave Seaman, Paul Van Dyk, Sven Vath, Danny Tengalia, Steve Lawler, Tiesto, Ferry Crosten, Dave Warren and LTJ Bukem were simply catalyst to electronica music.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Mosquito Hub ~Update 2
Sept 11, 2005
Three theories on why dengue is out of control
# Fumigation not effective as it does not kill enough mosquitoes
# Foreign workers may have introduced a few strain here
# Because of the successful drive in the 1970s, people now lack immunity
By Jeremy Au Yong
FOR the fourth week in a row, dengue cases have surged to record-breaking levels.
This week, more than 600 cases were reported in just five days, from Tuesday to Saturday. It surpasses last week's 546, 493 of the week before and 414 from before that.
With these mounting figures, the total number of dengue cases so far this year has gone beyond 9,000, including eight dead. This is more than double that of last year for the same period.
Many of the measures deployed to eradicate the 1973 epidemic in which 26 people died - extensive fogging, strict law enforcement and diligent inspection of premises - are still practised today. So, why are they not working now?
Experts give The Sunday Times three theories on how the war on dengue has changed.
Fumigation does not work
THAT'S because it does not kill enough of the Aedes mosquitoes. This point was made back in 1998 by Dr Paul Reiter, who was then chief entomologist of the dengue branch in the United States-based Centre for Disease Control. He said, after reviewing Singapore's Aedes control programme, that fogging killed only a small number of mosquitoes, took too much effort and money, and gave people the impression there was a quick fix.
Epidemiologist Duane Gubler - deemed by his peers as 'the grandfather of dengue' for his pioneering work in dengue prevention - agrees.
'Fumigation as it is now practised, is not effective in controlling, let alone preventing dengue transmission,' he said on the phone from Hawaii where he is the director of the Asia-Pacific Institute for Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases.
Dr Gubler's research in dengue control - done in the 1980s - forms the basis for the World Health Organisation's (WHO) current global strategy against dengue.
'The mosquito you are targeting is an indoor species that rests in closets where the insecticide rarely penetrates,' he said.
He added that fogging had worked in the Americas in the 1950s because DDT was used - an insecticide that was residual so it continued to work even after the fogging. The poison is banned in Singapore.
Dr Chusak Prasittisuk, WHO's regional adviser for vector-borne diseases in South-east Asia, said: 'Fogging works only in certain situations - if you do it at the right time, at the right place. The best way is still to go after and destroy the mosquito-breeding sites.'
New dengue virus strain
FOUR strains of dengue are currently known and Dr Gubler believes it is likely a new strain has entered Singapore. The new strain could have been introduced via foreign workers who were infected in their home countries. There are over 500,000 foreigners here on work permits and many come from dengue-prone countries such as Malaysia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Low immunity
THIS is the paradox of the fight against dengue: Win the fight and you will be more vulnerable next time. Because Singapore did such a good job at eradicating the disease in the 1970s, experts say locals lack immunity against it.
Said Dr Chusak, based in New Delhi: 'The mosquitoes now have a higher probability of biting a non-immune human in their lifetime. As a result, fewer mosquitoes are required to spread an epidemic.'
A study in 2001 by epidemiologist Ooi Eng Eong showed that immunity levels here were low. Dr Ooi found that only 7 per cent of children aged between six and 15 have dengue antibodies. In contrast, a similar study in Thailand found the antibodies in over 70 per cent of school children.
The experts stressed that the best way to fight dengue is to target mosquito-breeding areas - any spot for even a small amount of water to collect.
Singaporeans are urged to change the water in vases daily, remove water that collects in plant pot plates every other day and to add granular insecticide into containers, vases and roof gutters.
When leaving for a trip overseas, they should cover the toilet bowls and overturn pails and watering cans.
Associate Professor Mary Ng, a microbiologist, who will be chairing a regional dengue conference at the end of the month, said: 'Until we can get a vaccine, everyone must do his best to go after the mosquitoes. That is the only way to beat the disease.'
# Number of dengue cases reported for Sept 10: 125
# Number of dengue cases admitted to public hospitals on Sept 9: 85
# Number of beds taken up by dengue on Sept 9: 225
Prevention tip: Protect yourself with insect repellent during the day, when the Aedes mosquito is active.
Mosquito Hub ~ Update 1
Sept 13, 2005
Why fog when experts find it ineffective?
THE article, 'Three theories on why dengue is out of control' (The Sunday Times, Sept 11), contained the shocking revelation that several world experts on dengue hold the view that fogging is ineffective in controlling the mosquito population and the spread of the disease.
One of those experts, Dr Paul Reiter, made the point in 1998 after reviewing Singapore's Aedes mosquito control programme.
Another researcher, Dr Duane Gubler, studied the effectiveness of fogging in the 1980s and reached the same conclusion. We are now told that his research forms the basis of the World Health Organisation (WHO)'s current global strategy against dengue.
In other words, the WHO had, about 20 years ago, already adopted the expert opinion of Dr Gubler that fogging was ineffective. And the current WHO regional adviser for vector-borne diseases, Dr Chusak Prasittisuk, shares the same view.
I find this shocking because, all along, we have been told by the National Environment Agency (NEA) that fogging is safe, effective and in accordance with international practice.
That was what the NEA said when, about a year ago, I wrote to this Forum questioning the safety and effectiveness of fogging.
Several readers shared my concerns at that time. One reader pointed out that several major countries no longer practised fogging. Yet the NEA continued to maintain that fogging is safe, effective and widely practised.
Given these new revelations, I would like to ask:
# Is the NEA aware of the studies done by Dr Reiter and Dr Gubler, and the views of Dr Prasittisuk?
# If not, why not?
# If the NEA was, in fact, aware of these studies and expert opinions, why did it keep asserting that fogging is effective? Did the NEA withhold pertinent information from the public in order to justify its practice of widespread fogging?
It is high time we review this practice, which involves pumping toxic pesticides into the environment, merely to, in Dr Reiter's words, 'give people the impression there was a quick fix'.
Richard Seah Siew Sai
Mosquito Hub ~ Places to avoid ~
Found this on forum as suggest these are the places to avoid to not get Dengue fever.
Adis Rd Kim Tian Rd (Blk 119C, 128 )
Ah Hood Rd (Blk 101 / Balestier Rd (530) Kovan Road
Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 (Blk 206, 207, 208) Lor Lew Lian (21) - Cherry Hill Condo
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 445, 447, 444) Lor 12 (5) / Lor 14 Geylang (10)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 437, 435, 433, 438, 436) Lor 35 Geylang (Apt 8,6,5A, 22)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 463, 464,465, 466, 468) Lor 5 Toa Payoh (Blk 46)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 (Blk 119, 120) Lor 7 Toa Payoh (Blk 7, 9, 12,13, 14 )/ Lor 8 (Blk 233)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 (Blk 209, 210) Lor 8 Toa Payoh (Blk 219 217)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3/ St 31 (Blk 317, 329) Lor 8 Toa Payoh (Blk 227, 226, 225)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 114, 116) Lor Lew Lian (Blk 1, 2, 3, 145, 417)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 177,178, 182 ) Lor Penchalak
Bedok South Ave 3 (Blk 156, 157 ) Lorong Ah Soo (Blk 135)
Bishan St 11 (Blk 145, 146, ) Marsiling Cres (Blk 212, 213, 214 217, 216, 218)
Bishan St 12 (Blk 126 - 128, 122,130 ) Marsiling Dr (Blk 31, 33, 34, 35)
Bishan St 12 (Blk 141, 144)/St 11 (Blk 146) North Bridge Rd (Blk 7) / Beach Rd (Blk 6)
Boon Lay Dr (Blk 202, 204, 205) Pandan Crescent
Braddell Hill (Blk 10C, 10E)- Braddell View Pasir Ris Dr 6 (Blk 418, 421)
Braddell Hill (Blk 10H)- Braddell View Pasir Ris St 71 (Blk 748, 749)
Canberra Dr (Blk 46, 48, 54) - Yishun Sapphire Race Course Rd (Blk 684, 685, 682)
Clifton Vale/ Mackerrow Rd Raffles Institution Lane
Coldstream Ave - Frankel Est Rivervale Cres (Blk 184C)
Compassvale Walk (Blk 234, 235, 238) Serangoon Ave 2 (3, 11) - Sunglade
Corporation Rd (452, 454, 458, 462, 450) - Parc Vista Serangoon Ave 3 (Blk 330, 334)
Gambir Walk (17,16) Shunfu Rd (Blk 309, 307, 312, 315,310,306, 305, 311, 308)
Guan Soon Ave/Jalan Angin Laud Sims Ave (Blk 830, 848, 844,846, 840,832,842 )
Hougang Ave 1 (Blk 101, 103, 110) St. George's Rd (Blk 19, 20)
Hougang Ave 1 (Blk 114, 115 ) Tai Hwan Close - Tai Hwan Gdn.
Hougang Ave 1 (Blk 234, 230, 232,236,237, 233, 238,231) Tampines Ave 5 (Blk 858, 859A)
Hougang Ave 10 (Blk 402, 413) Tampines St 23 (Blk 216, 221, 210, 212, 229, 219)
Hougang Ave 10 (Blk 408, 461) Tampines St 42 (Blk 450A)
Hougang Ave 3 ( Blk 247,248, 251, 254) Tampines St 81 (Blk 896A, 894)
Hougang Ave 3 (Blk 1, 3) Tampines St 83 (Blk 867, 868, 869, 865)
Hougang Ave 7 (Blk 348, 350) Teck Whye Lane (Blk 12, 13)/ Teck Whye Ave (Blk 10)
Hougang St 11 (Blk 156, 154, 151, 156) Telok Blangah Cres (Blk 6, 8, 10)
Hougang St 11 (Blk 161, 52) West Coast Road (Blk 703, 702)
Hougang St 52 (Blk 699B, 699C, 693) Wilkie Rd
Jalan Kukoh Woodlands Ave 9
Jalan Sukachita Woodlands Centre (Blk 1A, 2A)
Jln Leban / Jln Tarum - Sembawang Hill Estate Woodlands St 13 (Blk 101,104,105, 113)
Jln Malu-Malu/ Jln Salang Woodlands St 82 (Blk 847, 848, )
Jln Pacheli/ Li Hwan Dr Yishun Ave 5 (Blk 741)/ Yishun St 72 (Blk738, 737, 739,736, 755)
Jln Selamat/ Jln Senang Yishun Ring Rd (Blk 402, 409 )
Jln Tenaga (Blk 652, 655) Yishun Ring Road (Blk 236)
Joo Chiat Rd/ Marine Parade (Apt 165) Yishun St 11 (Blk 124, 125, 126)
Jurong East St 21 (Blk 203) Yishun St 11 (Blk 133, 134, 144)
Jurong East St 32 (Blk 311,313, 314) Yishun St 11 (Blk 150, 153, 154 )
Jurong West St 42 (Blk 543, 545, 544, 450) Yishun St 21 (Blk 212, 211, 208,209, 210)
Kang Ching Road (Blk 345) Yishun St 21 (Blk 214, 215, 217, 219, 221)
Kim Keat Lane Yishun St 72 (Blk 755, 756,757, 752,759, 760)
Monday, September 12, 2005
Mosquito Hub
With 125 cases reported a day and mounting at 9000 cases till now' and in facts we had broken the record for the past 10 years.
With a clean city image and eradication of old building and kampong, why the hell dengue fever rage rampant in this city? Someone is obviously been sleeping to it's job should be made accountable to the tax payers, come on do something!!!
Quick facts on Dengue Fever
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I fucking going to kill Google, Steve Ballmer
Manz..he must be real mad when he wants to kill google for proaching his key guy for China expansion.
Given his salary package...i also wont mind prosituting myself to Google.
"Google paid Lee a $US2.5 million signing bonus and promised a $US1.5 million bonus after one year, plus a $US250,000 salary and options on 10,000 shares of Google stock, according to court documents.
If he stays for four years, Lee also will receive another 20,000 Google shares, currently worth $US5.8 million."
And mind you, search engine and indexing engine are going to be big business in collecting loyalty.
Here the whole rant.
DJ Intenze's Velokity is final
Yes, the new Intenze's compilation christened as Velokity is completed, the idea for this compilation is to put some of the uplifting tracks on my iPod Shuffle for a good 45min of play time suitable for portable sport.
Tracks listing
1. Ejeculoutro ~ Paul Van Dyk
2. Blue Bottle ~ POB feat DJ Patrick Reid
3. Closing Session ~ Flash
4. Heart Of Imagination ~ Sasha and BT
5. The Word ~ Dope Smugglaz [Hernan Cattaneo's Mix]
6. Nepal ~ Groovaholic [Praha Remix]
7. Phorous ~ L.S.G
8. On Y Va ~ Karuma [Silvio Ecomo Remix]
9. Satelites ~ Hernan Cattaneo
10. Disco Volante ~ Bill Hamel & Rosario
11. Satelites ~ BT
Available in MP3 encoded using LAME 3.07 Alpha 11, variable bitrate for aural comfort.
Oil center of all problems
Particularly, the conspiracy theories centred on Iraq occupation as well. With diminishing funding to preserve the mudland that act as buffer to the hurricane, two presidents were notorious and instrumental in making this disaster a reality. Ronald Regan approved the bill to deforest the area while Baby Bush cut the bloodline funding and slow to react while his focus was on the Iraq warfront.
The lies to hike the price of oil
New World Order?